Mission Statement

"Reach the lost, care for the hurting and make disciples who transform the city one family at a time, all for the glory of God." 

Who We Are

Woodstock Community Church is a new church in the neighborhood of Woodstock, located in SE Portland, OR.  We are here to share the love and truth of Jesus Christ by linking arms with our neighbors, serving our community, and teaching the word of God. We invite all people, all nationalities, and all religions to come find hope, peace and joy in Jesus. We want to be a haven for the hurting and a sanctuary for the searching. Jesus taught the multitudes, healed the sick, and lived life daily with his disciples, whom he called friends.  We want to do the same. Bring your questions. Bring your brokenness. Bring your mess. Come join us as we find freedom and life abundantly in the life of Jesus Christ!  

Our Team

Our leadership team is committed to deepening their understanding and love for God as they encourage others to do the same.

Patrick Grant

Pastor/Church Planter

Email Patrick

Davey Billings

Church Administrator

Email davey

Sarah Billings

Children's  Coordinator
Email Sarah

Jennifer Grant

Outreach & Women's Coordinator
Email Jennifer

Jessica Wyndham

Communications Coordinator
email jessica

What we believe


The gospel message of Jesus Christ is quite simple.  God created the world and all that is in it.  It was perfect.  But through the sin of one man, brokenness entered humanity, and when it did, our relationship with God was also broken. We all feel this separation from God.  We feel it as emptiness, worthlessness, and discontentment. But there is good news. Jesus, the son of God, came to earth, lived a perfect life, and died to take on our sins so that God could once again look upon us as blameless and good. Our good will never be powerful enough to erase our bad, but the blood of Jesus is. And all we have to do to get it is to place our trust in Jesus as our Lord and Savior.  That's it.  It's that simple.  And through salvation from sin and eternal separation from God, we find live abundant, both here on earth and for eternity hereafter.                       

(Ephesians 2:4-5; Acts 4:12)


After hearing the Gospel, we all make a choice. We either chose to believe and follow Jesus, or we chose not to believe and we walk away from Jesus. Either way we chose.  For those that choose to believe, the next step is joining together with other believers in the family of God.  We see all throughout scripture God's people gathering to pray, worship, teach, and eat.  Jesus himself gathered the multitudes. Gathering together honors God and edifies His people.  We should be walking through life together, intertwining our lives with one another, as sources of encouragement and strength.  It is good to gather, and at Woodstock Community Church we greatly value gathering together as a way of life!                      

(Hebrews 10:25; Acts 2:4247)


Every believer is called to a life of growth and discipleship, and every disciple needs to be nurtured to grow:  "Like newborn infants long for spiritual milk, that by it you may grow up into salvation." We believe that the most effective way to do this is in a small group.  Every believer should be surrounded by a Paul (a mentor pouring into them), a Barnabas (a friend encouraging them), and a Timothy (a disciple they can pour into). Together we learn to feast on God's word, share struggles, celebrate victories, pray together, and learn what it means to glorify God.  Discipleship and growth should be pursued daily as a way of life.   

(Hebrews 5:12-13; 1 Peter 2:2)


Jesus' command was "Go and make disciples," and He tells us to pray that the Lord of the Harvest will "send" out laborers.  We are committed to evangelizing the lost in our own local setting, discipling believers within our local expression of the church, and praying for, identifying, equipping and sending out laborers that the Lord will raise up.    

(Matthew 28; Luke 10:2; Matthew 9:38)